Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Internal Versus External Agent - 1661 Words

INTRODUCTION Every major or minor organizational change or crisis requires change agents or change leaders. A change agent is an individual who has the expertise and influence to stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate the change effort. It takes courage to become a change agent and need a new mindset towards organizational members and performance and a readiness to take risks, dilemma to deal with uncertainty and conflicts, and so on. A change agent is required to develop expertise such as problem solving skills, ability to foresee long-term perspective and to tolerate rejection, including failure. Therefore, to achieve any change effort depends on the quality and workability of the relationship between the change agent and the members†¦show more content†¦It is important for a change agent to have the knowledge and skills to function effectively. COMPARISON BETWEEN INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CHANGE AGENTS Change agents can be either external or internal. Giant organization hire consultants from outside the firm known as external change agents. Managers or HR professionals who had worked in the organization for an extensive period of time are internal change agents. Both types require the basic essentials of being a successful change agent for the organization. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of having either of them. The main differences can be further categorized in terms of stage of change, which are entering, contracting, diagnosing, intervening and evaluating. During the entering stage of the change agent, the most notable difference is the familiarization time. It is clear that internal change agents have an advantage over external ones, in this area. Internal change agents have ready access to clients, company language and even the root cause. This saves the familiarization time. With this, they are able to easily identify organization’s informal practices as well as power source. In addition, internal change agents have various accesses such as insider’s information, rumours and company reports. The second difference is the ready relationship that internal change agents have with the organization members. This helps them to be easily acceptedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Portable Saw Mill Industry913 Words   |  4 PagesExternal Analysis of the Portable Saw Mill Industry Part A: Explain three benefits of conducting an external analysis. For Edward Perry, Timber Kings new CEO, external analysis is one of the most strategic activities he can engage in and have his company continually pursue. 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